Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Aqualung is DROWNING My friend!

There is a time to kill, a time to eat what you have just killed (turn, turn, turn) But there never is a time to kill and discard, or a time to kill & detask ... there never was a time to fin The Blue Sharks (fin, fin, fin) ...Hammerhead, Maco or The Great White Shark (Shark, Shark, Shark,)

Hey Cheney let the first lady Laura Bush create her marine conservation management areas....
Here we have this lady trying to save theme tongue less sharks from de-finners in the Northern Mariana Islands, between Japan and Guam... But even at the last months of this administration, Dick is being a dick again...
Hey Bruce why dontchya go and give a shout out to the other prick Harry Whittington and take his face of again that should calm you down...right? ...This way you can stop being the cause of a genocide enforced upon helpless top-tier animals, such as the blue shark... all in the name of commerce ...well you know there are other creative ways to make a buck, beside ripping vital body parts from helpless animals and let them bleed to depth... enough is enough Richard, time to go back to where you once belonged ...the undisclosed location.
Hey Mrs. Laura Bush if he wont listen please tell him there is a new sheriff in town...and hes gonna defang him before he can de-tail all the kittens in Casper, Wyoming...
But I say lets not...instead keep him and milk him for his venom, so we can have a good stockpile of Anti-Dick venom for next election 2012 ...the scientist think it would be a strong antidote for even the nastiest of Sarah Palins bits...and yes her bit is a lot worst then her bark J

Good luck Laura!

Whats next? Bald eagle season?

Aqualung is The Great White Blue Hammerhead shark
Aqualung is friend

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