Monday, June 2, 2008

Gaus & the art of Stonehenge maintenance

Stonehenge Decoded...Does It Hold Water?

As I am launching this video on Stonehenge National Geographic will be launching theirs lets see if they uncover anything new or the same old (it’s a burial ground) ...duh !

I know it was for burial from time to time but it was built for the living dwelling living it was a water tank! That’s right a utility devise built on top of a glassier fed spring...allot more to come...just think an aboveground swimming pool...

Ps. As I am launching this video I am also watching Mr. Mike Parker Pearson’s presentation on TV (the very 1st show) ...while I am amazed by the amount, quantity and quality of work he and his team has achieved I was sorely disappointed at his interpretation of the Stonehenge itself ... I think Stonehenge was for the living and livelihood rather then an abstract altar. That being said I hope one day I can collaborate with him and his team on future projects. Mixing archeology with design can open the field up to more complete interpretations.

The expanding timber on the inside” covered with animal skins for waterproofing” and the contracting leather ropes strapped on the outside walls kept the structure solid as long as they were kept slightly wet. that’s why the very top of the Stonehenge is perfectly level so a steady wall of water not only keep the leathery ropes taut but also keep the backside of timber planks “ a log split from middle” moist so they can squeeze against the inside walls of the tank “the only side of the pylons which are smoothened”

For those who are interested in global warming and human activity effecting our environment please follow these videos because as we go on you will find the extent of damage which the early farming communities may have inflected on this planet, or it was polar shifts and other catastrophes that changed this world will find out when we find out the timing of the ring construction on all these so-called circles...because they can be read just like the tree rings but only backwards, that is because the trees grow but structures like the Stonehenge shrinks that is the same for a small snow melt spring, form the binging of April to the end of that month...

More to come



Stonehenge Wood hinge and many of these ancient circles and so-called earthworks, which spot most of the British Isles northern France and parts of Scandinavia, has one thing in common, which is mystery!
Stonehenge in particular creates most of the intrigue for historians' scientist mystics and politicians, and most every body ells whether they are naturally curios or not, they all seems to have some sort opinion, and its all based on this structure being a monument of some sort.
Perhaps a place of worship or may be an observatory or maybe a cemetery. Not to leave behind some of more outlandish ideas such as ancient space alien communicator or it having to do something or another with Merlin the mythical wizard.
Then comes this amazing fascination with the fact, where these stones came from, and how they were carried to the location, and how they were erected.
So they come up with truly some amazing and sometimes preposterous ideas, which most if not all of them try to prove the fact that there way is doable, even thou highly impractical.
For example they say some of the lager stones was brought or carried from Marlborough Downs 40 miles away...yah right!...why they couldn't gather them from around the site as since we "including Aubrey Burl", know that the glaciers were there and glaciers carry rocks a lot larger then those of the stone hinge ,but the dogma powered statuesque people disagrees ,based on the fact ,that there are no stones of this type anywhere near The s*#t Sherlock! There are none around most of these structures for one reason only they used them up you dumdum...
You see they really did livein England(Englstān) and there really was one or a few climate shifts back then (as one is accruing now) and yes they (the early settlers of the Amesbury and the inhabitants of Stānheadstān also known as Easter island) are no more while the descendents of their contemporaries still plowing the same fields of their insisters in the valleys of Nouristan Afghanistan "the oldest place on earth perhaps" ...
You ask why one survived not the other the answer maybe complex but one thing is certain the ancient and modern "non modernized" Afghans lived and still live with their underlying indigenous belief that earth is good, the tongue less (animals) are not to be slaughtered or hunted if one is not hungry, one will protect their guest with their life, and so on... some refer to it as paganism... so bee it
On the other hand the peoples of southern Englstān and the island which was visited by some Dutch dude named Jacobs Roggeveen in 1722 on the Easter day and he arrogantly claimed not only discovery of the place" with living inhabitance" but he named it too... but as of today the name of this island I will call it Stānheadstān (the rock of stone head makers) or
Better yet Rapa Nui that's what the natives call it..

Last defiantly not least who were the people responsible for building the structure?
One can find many theories, from Druids to Romans and every body ells in between.
Basically no one has a clue about any of it. And for a few scientists who either had or still have any logical theories are dismissed outright....

A lot more to come...

Ps. it's the tongue (language) and the terrain, not race and superstition, which is necessary, in order to find the ancient truth, so what you are reading/seeing is just a small part of The "World According To Gaus" project,
What I "hopefully soon to be us" am doing is trying to save the environment of today by building on the technology of the ancients, and clock is ticking because all of the ancient knowledge is under attack by the forces of modernity, bee it in Tibet, Afghanistan, or Republic of Lakotah "Lakota"...but it is reemerging in parts of UK but unfortunately it is selling it self more as an ritual based tradition then what they really are ,those who respect all that is good before I can reveal the not so secret of the Stonehenge I like to point out that life is the foremost top item which is good and these structures are more about life then death or rituals although time to time people were buried in this place and surely political meeting were attended , murders were committed ,picnics were enjoyed just to name a few but what it was built for is much more mundane yet profound...

And no I am not following The Footsteps of the Man Who Would Be King "a Sean Conary/ Michael Caine movie"....

More videos will be launched soon.

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