Monday, December 22, 2008
Moon Shiners & Rum Runners (Ice/Snow driving 101)
Car: 1986 IROC-Z28 Camaro
Tires: Pirelli P-Zero
Wheels: American Racing Chrome Rebel 18-10
Shocks: Bilstein Street/strip
Place: East Haven, Connecticut & Branford Connecticut both towns in NECTA New Haven Region South Central Incorporated in other words not New York New York A number one ...The city that doesnt sleep, and did I mentioned it cleans snow faster then it hits the ground...oh no not in Connecticut here they operate per the medieval code of small business empowerment with no checks and balances in site.
So we have a free for all privet pickup truck owners with plow attachment who decides what road to clean and which ones not to.
Based on immediate profit potential rather then public safety and public well-being consideration...Ok in other words we are in a typical screwed up northern town even though both of these towns mentioned are New England City and Town Area or NECTA of New Haven yes the same town of New Haven which houses the skull and bone hall or "Tomb" and the Yale university yes the same Yale where the last Indiana Jones movie The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was filmed at and the same school which brought us such annoying characters like Bill dot-com bubble Clinton and George Mission Accomplished Bush , yet they cant clean the freaking snow why do you think that is?
It may have to do something with overwhelming bureaucracy and officialism?
I dont know ...But I will find out!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Montauk Monster Is a (Vulpes Vulpes) No UFO, No Bulls#*t...
Ok my friend you have been pretty persistent on this raccoon thing, and in a way you maybe right if the jaw of the tanned animal is used as evidence, but what if there was a misinformation operation going on say like a conspiracy theory? And they wanted you and I to think it was an ordinary raccoon and not something a bit more embarrassing to a lot of very powerful individuals, who are playing a very exclusive and verboten game....
A most deadly game indeed ... a antiquated game leftover from the old British Empire which was justified back then on alleviating the poor farmers from varmints, by rich over lords ...right! It may have started that way but it is nothing but a sadistic sick minded cruel inhuman animal abuse in the history of the world, and yet this game has been outlawed in United Kingdom since February 18, 2005 but still going strong in her former colonies and some other countries such as Australia, Canada, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Russia and New Zealand and it is banned in Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Germany where it has been banned since July 3, 1934 by non other then the vegetarian who is responsible for world war2 and consequently the death of millions, yes you guised it Adolf Hitler himself ...yes he declared this type of activity unsporting and hence verboten javol
But here in the land of the free and home of the brave we have a few cowards, who are still practicing this sadistic and barbaric activity” my apologies to the barbarians I don’t think they even gone down this path”
This so-called game is called foxhunting but please don’t confuse this with some losers with a Wal-Mart bought cheap riffles and a 500 pack of Remington long rifle rounds which they splurge a whole $12.99 for ... running around somewhere in backcountry killing a any fox or coyote that they see, that is while they are not busy protesting at the Mexican border and calling for a wall which eventually contain their debit beat ass...
And please don’t mix foxhunting with hounds with hare coursing, as it was practiced in UK at least till February 18, 2005. Which is claimed not to be a sport but rather a way of life where dogs are used to cache a rabbit or a hare to be consumed as dinner by dog owner ...nothing wrong with that!
Of course there is big game hunting that one might want to point to, but that would be unfair because in most cases this activity is done by responsible people who not only consume the animal which is the right thing to do but never torture or abuse the tongue less creatures either for humane reasons or just practical necessities ... A bighorn can beat the living crap out of the hunter some times, no this sick activity is non of the above and neither it’s the same as some farmer taking a potshot at a fox or coyote to protect his chicken, because his dilemma can be rectified with some chicken wire that is if he’s not enjoying himself to much by challenging a small this is a game that can only be appreciated by Dahmer’s kind yes the same Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer that tortured, killed, sexually molested and then eat his victims a 15 years ago back in Ohio.
Before I formerly introduce our huntsmen friends I like to point out to some other animal cruelty practices that are up hauling but can only be stopped if we accept that, the only way to kill a serpent is to sever its head, what do I mean by this is, its like trickle down economy, but this might as well be called trickle down cruelty...
They’re are those who fin blue sharks and discard the carcass in the sea and there are people who hunt elephants for their $400 tusks and leave the body to rot in the bush, and they are losers who walk casually on floating super size iceberg which just separated from the polar icecap and indiscriminately bashes heads of seals young old or male female and yes there are those who are decimating the whale population in the name of commerce but the only ones that are confronted head on and on pubic media are the whale hunters, and the is a reason for that which take us back to the head of the serpent yes in this case that head is the japans government who is hunting The blue whale in the name of science
But most all the other animal cruelty is more complex and mostly intermingles with social injustice poverty and hopelessness which is caused by a standstill wheel of life which creativity and logical problem solving is held down by the greed lords and their counterbalancing administrators...
And yet there are about 130 official hunts “blood sport arenas” in United States of America...
Who are these people who attend these hunts? Any body with no morals, a large wad of cash that is sick enough to enjoy this so-called sport is welcomed, so long as they are discreet. The large sum of money is not for club dues, its for buying the local, national and international politicians...hey they even let them play...that is if they are good boys and girls, and once a cow crap for brains politician is photographed in a huntsman’s uniform he is as good as count Dracula’s trusty servant who can be used a Trojan virus...
Do you think they have the right to abuse helpless animas?
(Kill him?) Sarah Palin gone Hannibal Lecter?
This is a footage from a day or so after the election which the Morning Joe people first defend her then go ape-shit on the lady, talking about apes and monkeys... Pat Buchanan doesnt believe in them, neither does he believes in evolution. But he believes that Granada war was the real thing ...this video also stars such heavy hitters as the lovely Mika Brzezinski , the withy Rachel Maddow and the funky Newsweek dude Jonathan Alter ,last but not the least mammas boy Rick Sanchez of CNN also makes a cameo appearance
Friday, December 12, 2008
Freedom is Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose
Heck why don't we put someone in jail for a long time, to divert attention from our failures...why don't we give OJ Simpson a ridicules sentence just before we bailout out the big three GM, Ford, Chrysler about two hours before, exactly the same time amount when we started his trial before the market crash...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Whistling Remote Vice-Grip ™
The only way out for Mr. Henson is to plead; he was following his employers orders...
Bad idea, I think... Viacom ™ will poison dart the predator catcher, ouch!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Montauk Monster is not a Manbearpig ...UFO
A "Unidentified Floating Object"UFO?
World poverty, war, recession ...they all had to wait because the news media wanted to talk about a floater see all they had to do was to hide the second photo which would've explained the whole thing... and they call themselves investigating journalists, right!
Montauk Monster Decoded...It's a Bul...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Aqualung is DROWNING My friend!
Hey Cheney let the first lady Laura Bush create her marine conservation management areas....
Here we have this lady trying to save theme tongue less sharks from de-finners in the Northern Mariana Islands, between Japan and Guam... But even at the last months of this administration, Dick is being a dick again...
Hey Bruce why dontchya go and give a shout out to the other prick Harry Whittington and take his face of again that should calm you down...right? ...This way you can stop being the cause of a genocide enforced upon helpless top-tier animals, such as the blue shark... all in the name of commerce ...well you know there are other creative ways to make a buck, beside ripping vital body parts from helpless animals and let them bleed to depth... enough is enough Richard, time to go back to where you once belonged ...the undisclosed location.
Hey Mrs. Laura Bush if he wont listen please tell him there is a new sheriff in town...and hes gonna defang him before he can de-tail all the kittens in Casper, Wyoming...
But I say lets not...instead keep him and milk him for his venom, so we can have a good stockpile of Anti-Dick venom for next election 2012 ...the scientist think it would be a strong antidote for even the nastiest of Sarah Palins bits...and yes her bit is a lot worst then her bark J
Good luck Laura!
Whats next? Bald eagle season?
Aqualung is The Great White Blue Hammerhead shark
Aqualung is friend
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yo, we did it!
Obama's Inauguration Day, which he will be sworn into office is Tuesday, January 20, 2009
He will become the 44th President of the United States
The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) will plan the inaugural events and publish a schedule once it is planed. The 111th Congress will be in charge of ticket distribution along with PIC.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Thanks MLK & JFK for Obama...
Move Over Obama Girl Here Comes Plumber Girl
Hey America please vote correct or get used to him and his girl...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Please vote for Obama before he blows a gasket too...
Johnny Mac has blown a gasket Mr. McCain gone koo-koo
The Mav-man is on a downward tailspin...weeee!!!!
Someone..Pull his cord...
Mad Mac is gone bonkers...god help us...
Someone call the guys in white suit...!!!!
Call a!
Cattle Prod... For the maverick?
Hey Howard Dean! Hes good !? no?!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sarah Pilan , Katie Couric & Ms. Carolina
Friday, September 26, 2008
The ships engine is shot she is adrift, her captain is drunk as a doornail & there are a bunch of shipmates The Candidate aboard running frantically all over the ship USA asking you and me, the little tugboat captains for a towline, these guys are not in a position to choose, but we are.
So its up to you and I, Mon Capitán! Which general diction we want to steer this great country of ours ...a safe and prosperous harbor or towards the mother of all disasters, its that simple.
Your vote is 100% the same value as the vote of the wrong man... doesnt matter which Candidate or what party wins cause these people are not ship mates but politicians.
And politicians are like dogs such as Alaskan Nanook they know the hand, which fed them...any questions? I didnt think so! Go vote for some one or some cause because this is a defining juncture...
I just learned that senator Ted Kennedy was hospitalized again, so I like to dedicate this video to his getting well soon.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Softshell Turtle called Mr. Magoo
Friday, August 15, 2008
Montauk Monster Decoded...It's a Bul...UFO
A "Unidentified Floating Object"UFO?
World poverty, war, recession ...they all had to wait because the news media wanted to talk about a floater see all they had to do was to hide the second photo which would've explained the whole thing... and they call themselves investigating journalists, right!
Montauk Monster Decoded...It's a Bul...UFO
A "Unidentified Floating Object"UFO?
World poverty, war, recession ...they all had to wait because the news media wanted to talk about a floater see all they had to do was to hide the second photo which would've explained the whole thing... and they call themselves investigating journalists, right!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
All the people are leaving! Belfast? No Starbucks!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Keep On “Safe” Truckin!
Date: July 16, 2008
Time: 11am (aporox)
Road: I-95 (Connecticut turnpike)
Location: Milford
A few years back, in a day after a major snowstorm I was driving from Illinois to Colorado “on I-80”.
I started to notice allot of 18wheers jackknifed in the ditches on both sides of the highway, so I started to count them ...lets say it got boring after 100 crashes spanning the states of Iowa and Nebraska. No it didn’t make the news,
It pays to have a great public relations (PR) firm behind you, who need safety education for rookie truckers when you can impose ignorance on public at large.
GausFriday, June 20, 2008
Stonehenge Decoded...Does It Hold "HOT"Water?
Although I am taking a fun approach towards this project but know this! It is very serious matter not only for learning the ancient history but avoiding a possible manmade disaster that we all are in the process of causing again...
You see it was a combination of human activity and earth’s natural cycles that some how did not agree with one another, which might have caused the melting of the poles, which as a result a forced pole shift, which moved north pole from north America to is present location in a relatively short period of time, lets say about 10,000 years ago, to 5000 years ago “a more accurate date will be known after a thorough studying of these ancient water towers or pools and the surrounding terrain and seatrain by geologist and other non romantic professionals”
The speedy pole shift, in turn put a lot of stress on the earth’s crust and the earth went though a series of cataclysmic disasters...and a lot more to come my friend, but in the meantime I think the southern England was a very dynamic and complex geologic location back then, and that’s where the mystery lays...was Stonehenge a cold water reservoir fed by ancient aquifers or by seasonal snowmelt (it snowed a lot there back then) or perhaps a hot water bath fed by volcanic activity deep underground not unlike Iceland or Japan hey perhaps just like Bath the city in Somerset in the south west of England not to far north of Stonehenge...
Bath is a city In the valley of the River Avon “same as Stonehenge” around naturally-occurring hot springs where the Romans built baths and a temple and now boasts as Britain’s only natural thermal spa...
Perhaps the Stonehenge was not a cold water spring after all but a volcanic hot water spring just like the one slightly up north
So you may be right.. but no mysteries sorry!
Just logical problem to be solved...pure and simple
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Playing at my Playstation
This is part of photo archive of my work through the years these units are mostly designed and/or engineered by me and I have been involved at the sales end of most time to time I will focus on a single one but this video is just for a fast overview...
Soon I will add a more organized and complete version.Monday, June 2, 2008
Gaus & the art of Stonehenge maintenance
As I am launching this video on Stonehenge National Geographic will be launching theirs lets see if they uncover anything new or the same old (it’s a burial ground) ...duh !
I know it was for burial from time to time but it was built for the living dwelling living it was a water tank! That’s right a utility devise built on top of a glassier fed spring...allot more to come...just think an aboveground swimming pool...
Ps. As I am launching this video I am also watching Mr. Mike Parker Pearson’s presentation on TV (the very 1st show) ...while I am amazed by the amount, quantity and quality of work he and his team has achieved I was sorely disappointed at his interpretation of the Stonehenge itself ... I think Stonehenge was for the living and livelihood rather then an abstract altar. That being said I hope one day I can collaborate with him and his team on future projects. Mixing archeology with design can open the field up to more complete interpretations.
The expanding timber on the inside” covered with animal skins for waterproofing” and the contracting leather ropes strapped on the outside walls kept the structure solid as long as they were kept slightly wet. that’s why the very top of the Stonehenge is perfectly level so a steady wall of water not only keep the leathery ropes taut but also keep the backside of timber planks “ a log split from middle” moist so they can squeeze against the inside walls of the tank “the only side of the pylons which are smoothened”
For those who are interested in global warming and human activity effecting our environment please follow these videos because as we go on you will find the extent of damage which the early farming communities may have inflected on this planet, or it was polar shifts and other catastrophes that changed this world will find out when we find out the timing of the ring construction on all these so-called circles...because they can be read just like the tree rings but only backwards, that is because the trees grow but structures like the Stonehenge shrinks that is the same for a small snow melt spring, form the binging of April to the end of that month...
More to come
Stonehenge Wood hinge and many of these ancient circles and so-called earthworks, which spot most of the British Isles northern France and parts of Scandinavia, has one thing in common, which is mystery!Stonehenge in particular creates most of the intrigue for historians' scientist mystics and politicians, and most every body ells whether they are naturally curios or not, they all seems to have some sort opinion, and its all based on this structure being a monument of some sort.
Perhaps a place of worship or may be an observatory or maybe a cemetery. Not to leave behind some of more outlandish ideas such as ancient space alien communicator or it having to do something or another with Merlin the mythical wizard.
Then comes this amazing fascination with the fact, where these stones came from, and how they were carried to the location, and how they were erected.
So they come up with truly some amazing and sometimes preposterous ideas, which most if not all of them try to prove the fact that there way is doable, even thou highly impractical.
For example they say some of the lager stones was brought or carried from Marlborough Downs 40 miles away...yah right!...why they couldn't gather them from around the site as since we "including Aubrey Burl", know that the glaciers were there and glaciers carry rocks a lot larger then those of the stone hinge ,but the dogma powered statuesque people disagrees ,based on the fact ,that there are no stones of this type anywhere near The s*#t Sherlock! There are none around most of these structures for one reason only they used them up you dumdum...
You see they really did livein England(Englstān) and there really was one or a few climate shifts back then (as one is accruing now) and yes they (the early settlers of the Amesbury and the inhabitants of Stānheadstān also known as Easter island) are no more while the descendents of their contemporaries still plowing the same fields of their insisters in the valleys of Nouristan Afghanistan "the oldest place on earth perhaps" ...
You ask why one survived not the other the answer maybe complex but one thing is certain the ancient and modern "non modernized" Afghans lived and still live with their underlying indigenous belief that earth is good, the tongue less (animals) are not to be slaughtered or hunted if one is not hungry, one will protect their guest with their life, and so on... some refer to it as paganism... so bee it
On the other hand the peoples of southern Englstān and the island which was visited by some Dutch dude named Jacobs Roggeveen in 1722 on the Easter day and he arrogantly claimed not only discovery of the place" with living inhabitance" but he named it too... but as of today the name of this island I will call it Stānheadstān (the rock of stone head makers) or
Better yet Rapa Nui that's what the natives call it..
Last defiantly not least who were the people responsible for building the structure?
One can find many theories, from Druids to Romans and every body ells in between.
Basically no one has a clue about any of it. And for a few scientists who either had or still have any logical theories are dismissed outright....
A lot more to come...
Ps. it's the tongue (language) and the terrain, not race and superstition, which is necessary, in order to find the ancient truth, so what you are reading/seeing is just a small part of The "World According To Gaus" project,
What I "hopefully soon to be us" am doing is trying to save the environment of today by building on the technology of the ancients, and clock is ticking because all of the ancient knowledge is under attack by the forces of modernity, bee it in Tibet, Afghanistan, or Republic of Lakotah "Lakota"...but it is reemerging in parts of UK but unfortunately it is selling it self more as an ritual based tradition then what they really are ,those who respect all that is good before I can reveal the not so secret of the Stonehenge I like to point out that life is the foremost top item which is good and these structures are more about life then death or rituals although time to time people were buried in this place and surely political meeting were attended , murders were committed ,picnics were enjoyed just to name a few but what it was built for is much more mundane yet profound...
And no I am not following The Footsteps of the Man Who Would Be King "a Sean Conary/ Michael Caine movie"....
More videos will be launched soon.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
All Electric Car
in QuickList | It was around year 2000, when I designed a retro modern version of BMW,s 2002, which had a special infrastructure, that would allowed the manufacturer to produce an all electric , or diesel electric vehicle. But, didn't send it, since now we are all gasping for some fresh air, I will share it with you. |
in QuickList | THIS IS NOTHING LIKE GM'S VOLT! OR ANY OTHER SYSTEM ... Greetings to the respectable panel at Davos, This is an amazing opportunity for all of us in the world to bring about change. As a designer and a creative person change is what I do for a living, it is what I am about. Change is the easy part for me, convincing others it is necessary is the difficult part All of my life I have designed stores and environments for customers as large as Sears and as prestigious as Elizabeth Arden and Borghese and everything in between. While the Masters of the industry always embraced me for my lateral thinking, the establishment did not embrace change readily. That being said I am poised to change the world literally and figuratively, obviously with your help. This change comes in the concept of an electric car. This one is different. It is not a car that runs 40 or 50 miles on a charge or is designed to fill a certain niche such as a moped in a vacation spot. Nor was this car designed to save a single tree, stop the ozone hole from expanding nor is it a remedy for global warming. This idea came to me in 1986 as a way to solve traffic congestion in and around New York and LA and the parking problem in Chicago land. Today it has evolved into a transportation system which is ready to take over the world. It has to be all electrical once deployed it will render the entire internal combustion engine transport system obsolete almost immediately across the world. Not by enforcing it on the public at large or by using government subsidies that could be taken away or the need of lawyers and marketing agents like for hybrid technology. This vehicle is all electric, runs around the clock, replenishes its energy in less time then it requires to put gas in a gasoline car, requires no new technology, and does not run the oil companies out of business since they still provide the general power in a more efficient and centralized way. Is this to good to be true? Yes I am living in the western world and in order to achieve this goal it has to be proven on the public roads. Unfortunately regulations make it virtually impossible in the US at least. Regulations are based on what was and what is never on what could be. That might make sense to many people but as a designer and a creative person I have a single task to do what is not. That being said instead of banging my head against the bureaucratic wall I would like to try this in Afghanistan where pretty much everything has been destroyed by years of war. When Mr. Karzai and his team were in the US a few years ago when they wanted investment of the latest technology. I think this is an amazing opportunity for all parties to use this to both solve the traffic problem in NY and LA as well as parking problem in Chicago, and help Afghanistan get positive press and residuals from this. Hey you never know instead of trying to make Afghanistan the Switzerland of Asia, Switzerland may want to be the Afghanistan of Europe. How does this work? All I can tell you at this time is it uses two things... available and affordable technology and my knowledge of how to bring different elements together. The point of this correspondence is to get President Karzai to allow us to race these electric cars against themselves and also against gasoline cars I envision a race from Torkham to Mazar-e- Sharif which will be symbolic of connecting the North and the South. Please note that all cars will be driven by local drivers and all power generation will be provided by both local and international sources. Please contact me for more information. All these graphics you are looking at are from my archives which will be released in a legible format to all the talented people here on so they can compete in this race. What I am working on is an every day car for anybody living anywhere. It has to be achieved without any direct help from politicians or environmentalists and will not offend current industry suppliers and big oil. I am not going to waste your time on the roles of this race but what I would like to say is it's an open source exercise and there is enough for all the industries to participate in this change. This will start a new renaissance, I am sure of it. Just imagine a car that will feel at home in Queens New York, Hammersmith, London or Kabul, Afghanistan. A car that can be accepted in these environments will sell like hotcakes around the world. I can go for hours on but first things first... that's where you come in Mr. Karzai. A public invitation will, jumpstart this whole process Gaus |
in QuickList | The irony is in order for me to work on my electric car projects I have to run around in my albatross, sorry! Rumble Bee... When Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth movie first came out, I drove this truck to a small movie theater somewhere in Connecticut, so my son and I could watch the film. When we parked we realized that almost all the cars in the lot were either Subarus or Volvos and of course station wagons. All were equipped with Thule cargo boxes or Yakima bicycle racks and they were driven by bunch of baby-boomer ladies who were staring at us and they couldn't decide if we were a friend or foe. |
in QuickList | Revived an old car,(short for carriage) circa 1986 and drove it around Manhattan and Connecticut, finally ended up in petrol station in East Haddam CT. circa 1926 (maybe older)... well! Since my Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z 28 with its four barrel crab can actually be fueled at these ancient pumps, (if they were actually operational) That means you could fuel your 06 Lexus or your bud's 07 Toyota Hybrid here to. but not a 1896 Yew York city subway car, or maybe a 1976 wedge shaped electric car, made by some company somewhere in Midwest, and I can assure you it can not fuel the 1966 soviet made battery powered milk truck I remember seeing in Kabul Afghanistan around 1976... I hope you are starting to get my point! |
in QuickList | This video illustrates the process of gassing up a gas-guzzler in a very odd gas station at 14th street meat packing district in Manhattan and also some of my comments on an all electrical car.. |
in QuickList | The principle feature of Devil's Hopyard, is Chapman Falls which drops more than sixty feet over a stone formation. And once powered "Beebe's Mills" The mills which operated until the mid 1890's...and could have been converted to a zero environmental impact mini DC currant generating station. But it s no more! The early 1920's gas pumps are still there standing in defiance of time and wants to remind us that the world is still powered by that byproduct of kerosene (gasoline). Why don't you all drive hybrids so they can run the world on gasoline for another hundred years As for me I will use up all the gas in the world and have fun doing it too, then I convert my Camaro battery power, and make lots of money by investing in mini power plants... Wind, solar cow manure power hay perhaps even water mill power... then I convert my Camaro to battery power, and make lots of money by investing in mini power plants... Wind, solar cow manure power hay perhaps even water mill power... contact: |
in QuickList | Please stop us from WARMING the GLOBE any further, help us install WW2 era submarine style diesel eclectic systems on some real vehicles... Ask Mr. Al Gore to invest some of his prize money on our All Electric Vehicle Project, (AEVP? No... Electrical Banana) Thanks |
in QuickList | Join us as we visit the Electric Auto Association's 35th Annual electric car rally in Palo Alto, California! We meet up with Jerry Pohorsky the President of the Silicon Valley Chapter as he tells us about all the exciting, fun and truly innovative electric and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) vehicles at this year's rally! |
in QuickList | Electric powered human flight! See the first electric powered paraglider (paramotor) fly including its vital statistics. Philmed by Phil Clark of Canada, edited by Jeff Goin of Chicago, built by Csaba Lemak of Canada |
Green orange 2002
But, didn't send it, since now we are all gasping for some fresh air, I will share it with you.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Can U C What I C?
Some people read a lot into symbols and logos, as some kind of secret code from secretive societies or worst.
But as a designer I can tell you there is not a lot of shapes in the two dimensional world of graphics that can catch the observers attention, remain simple to be recreated by almost anyone and covey a massage.
Sins the circle and square can hardly meet these requirements that leave us with the triangle which may represent a pyramid, an orderly society or a traffic sing among thousands of other uses. And two triangles can be made to any verities of stars.
Without going into detail about the types of stars I like to say they always draw a lot attention from adults and children alike.
Or the other possibility well be a wheel which may represent movement or repetition or in the prehistoric times, it represented the four seasons , which this may even explain most of the swastikas around the world, maybe except the German one ..
Perhaps that's why everyone reads too much in to these things but one should be mindful that it wasn't the logo that killed millions ,but those who had hatred and malice in their harts, they would have done it with any symbol even the Enron logo .
Ok enough of this humdrum crap ,let me tell you about this video, well I was working on my electrical banana (EV) project and I went to sort out my recordings from my last trip to key west ..,.
Long story short I found some pictures in my computerthat I wanted to delete. The car from Duvall street and the woman in the beech for some reason in the same file, oh yah did I mention that I was listing to my Jimi Hendrix CD at the same time, and you are looking at the result. . I hope you like it, but then again I can be an undercover freemasonic dude!
You never know?
Ps. Jimi would have approved of this. I think!