Tuesday, October 20, 2009

DONT TAZE ME BRO! Montauk Monsters Last Words

Most people are trying to play blind and not see the collar and electrode burns on poor Monty the Montauk monster because that would kill the whole idea of a monster from outer space...Just imagine a scary monster on a leash...
This also makes it difficult to explain him as a raccoon. Just imagine a raccoon with an electric dog training shock collar, okay Bevies and But Head wouldve done such a thing, after all they did use a frog as a baseball...But I got news for you Bevies and But Head is not real ...they are cartoon characters,duh!
So this proves either the Montauk monster was a dog undergoing a legal but inhuman training, or he was an exotic wild animal witch was being corralled with this Tazer type collar.
Although I made a few videos and claim it was a red fox, but after a lot of thinking and research I came back to the fact that Monty was noting but an ordinary dog, which was supposedly trained with one of these wicked devises.
I am not some leftwing nutso, I hunt and fish humanely but animal abuse, or for that matter human abuse is uncalled for...everything and everybody dies and sometime they get killed but killing by torture? I dont think so!
