Monday, December 22, 2008

Moon Shiners & Rum Runners (Ice/Snow driving 101)

Date: Saturday December 20th 2008
Car: 1986 IROC-Z28 Camaro
Tires: Pirelli P-Zero
Wheels: American Racing Chrome Rebel 18-10
Shocks: Bilstein Street/strip
Place: East Haven, Connecticut & Branford Connecticut both towns in NECTA New Haven Region South Central Incorporated in other words not New York New York A number one ...The city that doesnt sleep, and did I mentioned it cleans snow faster then it hits the ground...oh no not in Connecticut here they operate per the medieval code of small business empowerment with no checks and balances in site.
So we have a free for all privet pickup truck owners with plow attachment who decides what road to clean and which ones not to.
Based on immediate profit potential rather then public safety and public well-being consideration...Ok in other words we are in a typical screwed up northern town even though both of these towns mentioned are New England City and Town Area or NECTA of New Haven yes the same town of New Haven which houses the skull and bone hall or "Tomb" and the Yale university yes the same Yale where the last Indiana Jones movie The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was filmed at and the same school which brought us such annoying characters like Bill dot-com bubble Clinton and George Mission Accomplished Bush , yet they cant clean the freaking snow why do you think that is?
It may have to do something with overwhelming bureaucracy and officialism?
I dont know ...But I will find out!


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