Tuesday, December 16, 2008

(Kill him?) Sarah Palin gone Hannibal Lecter?

Cant Silent this Lamb ...sorry moose! Sarah Palin , dose she want to kill these people? I dont think so but she is more pissed off then a slapped up banshee...
This is a footage from a day or so after the election which the Morning Joe people first defend her then go ape-shit on the lady, talking about apes and monkeys... Pat Buchanan doesnt believe in them, neither does he believes in evolution. But he believes that Granada war was the real thing ...this video also stars such heavy hitters as the lovely Mika Brzezinski , the withy Rachel Maddow and the funky Newsweek dude Jonathan Alter ,last but not the least mammas boy Rick Sanchez of CNN also makes a cameo appearance


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