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Identified by the sharply sloping forehead, and usually by the crowded position of the Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris) The skull of a domestic dog is usually easily teeth in back of the canines. Coyote (Ca nis latrans) . Coyo te s are now found in all 48 contiguous states; they range in places north into Cana da and south into Mexico. Smaller and more gracile than a wolf. · Bush Dog (Speoth os ven aticus ). The Bush Dog is found in South America, and is more like an otter in behavior than are other canids, hunting often in the water. California Academy of Sciences specimen. Cast is of a female animal. · Side-stri ped Jacka l (Ca nis ad us tus). The side-striped jackal is a greyish brown to tan with a white stripe from the front legs to the hips and has a dark tail with a white tip. Side-striped jackal can weigh from 14 to 30 lb. Males tend to be larger than the females. Black-backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas. The black-backed jackal is fox-like in appearance, has tan fur, and a thick stripe of black and silver running down its back. It weighs from 15 to 30 pounds and is 15 to 30 centimeters at the shoulder. Males are usually larger t han females.· South American Grey Fox (Pseudalopex griseus). The South American grey fox is found in the southern cone of South America, particularly in Argentina and Chile. Its diet consists mainly of rodents, birds, and rabbits. · Dhole (Cuon alpinus). The dhole has large, sharp teeth, and a shorter jaw and adistinctly thicker muzzle than most other dogs. There is one less molar on each side of its lower jaw (meaning that they have forty teeth in total). Its dental formula (Incisors 3/3 : Canines 1/1 : Premolars 4/4 : Molars 2/2) is unique among the dog family. · The Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis) is a relatively common North American fox. Its range extends into northern Mexico. Some mammalogists classify it as conspecific with the Swift Fox V. velox, but molecular systematics imply that the two species are distinct. · Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). Raccoon Dogs are native to Japan, southeastern Siberia and Manchuria. Their diet consists of invertebrates, frogs, lizards, rodents and birds, along with seeds and berries. Those living near the ocean will also eat crabs and scavenged marine life.
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