Happy new year yall! And my special thanks to Mrs. Clinton for being such a math teacher-ish character, so all us bloggers and You Tubers can trash around for fun...
You see Sarah Palin, doesnt cut it, she is too Home-Ec-ish...but dont forget Dick Cheney he is the fu*#in principal, true and through. Every body hats him, but then what do you expect ...He is the dam principal.. Huh! So he can afford to be a dick...
Do politicians have equal rights to humans?
Have a happy 2010 New Year, any way...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year Mrs. Clinton
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
86 CAMARO IROC-Z stuck in snow
It was exactly a year ago when I shared with you my experience with the first snow of the season, and now I like to show you my struggle with the fist snow of this year of course snow is boring if it doesn't have an 86 IROC-Z Camaro involved just like last year, except last year I was in New Haven Connecticut area and this year I am in outskirts of Manhattan New York and the other deference is last year I showed you how to drive on snow pact roads and this year I will show you how to dislodge a not so snow worthy car named Bill Clinton ,the name is due to its exhaust not which sounds like Monica, Monica ,Monica, Monica Mmmmmmmmonica..... From a shallow snowdrift, of course I had to employ Hilliary's help too, oh Hillary is the name of my uncompromising rough and harsh shovel ...and yes it sounds just like Mrs. Clinton when it scraps the pavement...
Oh, I almost forgot I also call my car Slick Wily ...No Not because it slips on the snow, you doofus...No! This car happen to be very slick car, period
Saturday, December 19, 2009
IROC-Z Package for new CAMARO [concept]
This is a third generation [possibly IROC-Z] up date to the Transformerish 2010 2011 Camaro although it will not change the car structurally with the exception of hatchback rear 3rd door but the main deference comes from plenty of weight saving measures which includes carbon fiber hood clear polymer rear hatch and many aluminum substitutions both in the frame area and the skin...
In short the goal is trim 1000 pounds of the fat beast and offer the car with the existing V8 engine and a supped up version which takes the currant V6 with a set of racing style heads new intake manifold a robust supercharger ...we are talking about a 500plus beast of an engine coupled to a minus 1000 pounds of a Camaro, not to forget the new streamlined body we might have a winner in our hands...
But on the down side majority of ladies still cant see over the hoot or any part of this behemoth of a car, maybe an optional periscope
This is almost something like the old Ford Mustang SVO
project, but a lot bigger and a lot uglier.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
DONT TAZE ME BRO! Montauk Monsters Last Words
Most people are trying to play blind and not see the collar and electrode burns on poor Monty the Montauk monster because that would kill the whole idea of a monster from outer space...Just imagine a scary monster on a leash...
This also makes it difficult to explain him as a raccoon. Just imagine a raccoon with an electric dog training shock collar, okay Bevies and But Head wouldve done such a thing, after all they did use a frog as a baseball...But I got news for you Bevies and But Head is not real ...they are cartoon characters,duh!
So this proves either the Montauk monster was a dog undergoing a legal but inhuman training, or he was an exotic wild animal witch was being corralled with this Tazer type collar.
Although I made a few videos and claim it was a red fox, but after a lot of thinking and research I came back to the fact that Monty was noting but an ordinary dog, which was supposedly trained with one of these wicked devises.
I am not some leftwing nutso, I hunt and fish humanely but animal abuse, or for that matter human abuse is uncalled for...everything and everybody dies and sometime they get killed but killing by torture? I dont think so!
Monday, September 21, 2009
All is required is some two part fast drying epoxy...
Applied by a professional veterinarian
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Montauk Monster Decoded Its a Hybrid!
This is Monty... ... This is his mom and dad... And this is what he looked like any questions? Of course not! ...Now, go to sleep says Bertrand Russell
Monday, August 10, 2009
This is a little bird that fell of his nest, since I cant find his nest he is doomed or is he!
This is a virtually unedited 3-minute video
...They usually dont make it but some do since the naturally leave the nest a bit early an get fed by their parents on the ground, and the animal shelters cant be bothered with this since this is a natural occurrence, but if you find one leave him alone but if you think he is in a dangerous area gently pick him up and place him some where higher but at the imitate vicinity of his mom and dad so they can go on feeding them. And dont worry of them falling from a high place cause they can maintain enough flight to keep them safe.
All this if you cant find his nest, which is more often hidden from view and usually located in a hazardous place to you and I, might as well
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What you are about to see is allegedly from NASA or SETI files, which deals with easedroping on alien communications...In this clip you will witness several crop circle algorithms from outer space to presumably their human drones on earth so they can produce flawless geometric patterns in very short time...
There is also a written communiqué on the lower part of the footage not only its hard to see but impossible to read, at least by us, The Free Humans...
But I think its just the communiqué from the bloke with the laptop in the Nissan to the fellows on the field busy spoiling some unfortunate farmers fields with a wooden plank...
Nowadays, even the vandals gone high-thick, with couple of cell phones a handheld GPS device 3 or 4 morons and dont forget a sufficient quantity of rope, one plank of wood one can achieve the most sophisticated crop circles known to man ...and all that is made possible with Spiro graph programs such as the one in my Blog...look for How to draw crop circles http://bronzehenge.blogspot.com/
Sorry, no super naturals
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
In this clip Chris Matthews of MSNBC is discussing Sarah Palin and her fear mongering, luckily I had a camera ready to record the whole clip, audio wise that is... but unfortunately for the video part I missed most of Miss plains part due to my dogs humping the TV he does that every time Sarah Palin is on...but no fret, I substituted with Miss South Carolina Caitlin Upton, a perfect match.
Although Caitlin is only a teenager but intellectually she is a perfect mach to former vice-presidential contender
Friday, June 5, 2009
On December 10, 2002,an on board night vision camera on board a USAF C17 Globemaster captures a glimpse of what seams to be a flaying saucer of some type...Or is it?
Monday, May 25, 2009
"Nee Chee" The Watercar
I am working on a real one (using an 85 Bronco) but the toy has to do for now ... oh yah about Nietzsche? One screwed up individual he was, and not a very good read by the pool, I rather play with my water toys ...
Hay 007 eat your hart out!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Miss California Press Conference
Watch The Original Miss California Press Conference http://perezhilton.com/2009-05-12-miss-california-in-her-own-words#respond Follow Me on Twitter http://twitter.com/Lisa_Nova My Website- Become a Member http://www.lisanovalive.com/ GET YOUR TWITTER WHORE T-SHIRTS...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Miss California Carrie Prejean Uh, Such As Gay Marriage
And I Personally Believe In Equal Rights For All! And I personally apologize to Lauren Caitlin Upton for mixing her in with uh, some, people out there in our nation don't have respect for rights of like such as others, uh, in South Africa uh, the Iraq like the bigoted Carrie Prejean uh so we will be able to build up our future, for our [children]
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Bottom line is that as a society we seem to enjoy watching animals and people suffer from Abu Graib to shock collars for dogs.
At this time I am hoping to raise awareness about these type of devices not because they are dangerous, because they are wrong, in other words it crosses the threshold of what makes a man, human...
And no I dont want pass laws against these devices or ask people to boycott their manufacturers, cause that would be as counter productive as US boycott of Cuba or as desperate as some general at the height of Iraq war wanted to outlaw cell phones to stop the IEDs...
No all I want to do is show this device as what really it is, a cowards crutch.
And in time the sales will drop and the good folks who manufacture them will invent something more humane or start selling Cesar Milans books which emphasizes on humane ways of animal training...
Special thanks Bo Rock the Sheh Tzu & Pug mix for playing Monty The Monster
Bo Rocks original name was just Bo but since Mr. Obama got the Portuguese Water Dog for his girls Bos owner who manages a motel in Arkansas decided to call him Bo Rock as Barack ...respectfully of course.
Friday, May 15, 2009
A New Montauk Monster?

I don't know if we are evolving from, or devolving back to dark ages...But we all are obsessed with creating monsters out of any and all unknown things in this case happens to be an other floater or should I say a UFO "Unidentified Floating Object"
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Stonehenge/Waterhenge #3
This is a draft video posted for prepossess of communication.
I am a designer engineer inventor not a politician or a member of academia nor a bank lawyer...
In my world a compromise equals to a lei and a lie equals to a disaster and a disaster equals to massive loss of life and/or property... coming from a long lineage of statesmen and leaders of both state and academia I am fully aware that someone needs to do the deception and somebody needs to adhere to dogma in order to have order in this world... heck think of the nightmarish world that everybody is super creative and we all invent new things and built taller towers everyday and once you learned the QWERTY layout keyboard on your computer we change it to a better one and once you get used to the new one it is changed again...
I hope I made my point you see we dont built pyramids so some stupid monarch who thinks he is god and wants to be assented to his house in the sky...no we just tell the power hungry megalomaniac yes your majesty it does whatever your delusional small brain wants it to do...
No my friends we the creative ones do it for the one thing your religions maintain the worst sin ...yes pride or shall I say ego and as Michael Douglas the Wall Street (movie) said "Greed is good" and the politicians say power is good just check out how many comities and subcommittees Joe Lieberman is on... we (the creative) say, ego is good or to be gentle we explain, pride in ones work is good that being said the only thing left from these ancient constructions like the Stonehenge is that builders pride and reasoning and unlike the western academias assertion they were not primitive by a long shot, on contrary they did what needed to be done in the most feasible way possible, and sometime one of them had a bright idea like say using animals to carry heavy objects instead of dragging it on the ground like total imbeciles and not recording it on a stone tablet just because all the historians and scientists who cant possibly tie their own shows concur..
To my point now, for us, the creative bunch in other to seek the truth we question any thing and all things and if we are found wrong before building say an airliner we thank our lucky stars and promote the person who found fault in our work cause we cant argue the great write brothers or any body from the past but the academia builds on the work of their predecessors regardless of logic as long as most of them are in agreement just like a democratic process, thats fine if you need to be fair to all and run a country but hardly is a tool for fact finding .
For me the purpose of the Stonehenge is pretty much elementary at this point and I am ready to work with others to move on to the next stage which can shed light on a lot of dilemmas today and might help us understand our currant environment ...but all of that is total rubbish if I need to fight every one of you every step of the way, you see I dont want to end up like Galileo fighting the establishment or end up Leonardo da Vinci who was reduced to drawing rich constipated house wives and had to die and stay dead for hundreds years till the first helicopter took to sky ,no my friends there are six billion of you and only one of me and trying to find a few amongst you to help me take this point of view farther so my friends I have no choice but to put youll through Gaus both camp its very similar to that of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island where I am the drill sergeant and as far as I am concerned ,yawl are bunch of mamas boys and girls, full of bad behaviors like believing in absolute crap and utter nonsense and declaring it as fact then look around to see if you have company in your cockamamie dogmatic belief then you move on to the next problem and when you encounter an unknown ,what do you do you look for so-called facts to fill in the gap since you are of the school that can never say I dont know but I will try to find out...you are lift whit no choice but to use one of these absolutely absurd accepted theories like the stupid ramp for the building of the Egyptian pyramids or the universal acceptance of people dragging crap on the ground and not using... a lot more to come
Friday, February 13, 2009
PLANE-DOWN-N.Y...Cactus, did you find Colgan?
Flight 3407 down 50 dead 49+1on the ground
The Canadian built Bombardier Dash q400, a Continental Airlines a Huston Texas based company which is a minority owner of ExpressJet Airlines which operates under the trade name Continental Express identity tagged plane, operated by Colgan Air Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Pinnacle Corp... And this is tip of the iceberg...
Accidents never happen in perfect world... Deborah Harry Blondie
Then again this is not a perfect world, far from it ...Welcome to Corporatestan, where when all this is over the only one that they blame is the very dead pilot and punish his helpless family ... For those who lost loved ones in this incident I am sincerely sorry,
Monday, February 9, 2009
IROC-Z28 TOWING A FIAT 500 (Auto Towing 101)?
A true SUV... Sport Utility Vehicle is a Camaro IROC-Z28 with a hitch & a trailer...
This is ironic while I am pulling a 1973 Fiat 500 with my all American muscle car, Fiat Automobil AG is planning to pull one of our all American muscle car companies Chrysler out of Detroit mud... MAMMA MIA!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hitlers Last Song
Assuming that this is not the prankster prince Harry again, then this is most probably Hitlers last song to his then new bride Eva Brown at an undisclosed disco in Berlin called The Underground on 30th of April 1945, minutes before he shot her in the face with the Luger P 08 pistol which he grabbed from Lukas Hundfänger his body double then he emptied the rest of the clip at his doubles chest, but that was not enough for Adolf the Hitler, oh no. He needed more stimuli... So he kicks his beloved dog Blondi to death and then he doused them all in biodiesel and lit them on fire.
Just before the Russians could break the door he jumped in his biodiesel powered Schwimmwagen and schwimed all the way to South America to be exact Brazil.
Thats when he opened his recycling company Das Gemahlin-Diesel AG that specialized at producing biodiesel from unwanted family members like housewives or husbands for a fraction of the cost of foreign oil ...you dont believe me, then why is Brazil slashing the Amazon this planets lungs to plant sugar cane a biodiesel producing crop...
Whats the deference if one converts his wife to fuel to all of us converting our mom mother earth to biodiesel and Ethanol, please you tell me!
I am neither stupid nor so far to the left that I gas up my car in a local Mc Donalds, I am fully aware of the economy and the need for energy...
But my friends there are more then one way to skin a cat and if you want to learn then approach me in confidence.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
StoneHenge or WaterTank War Against Academia at WaterHenge
Stonehenge a water tank?
This is an other draft video posted for prepossess of communication.
I am a designer engineer inventor not a politician or a member of academia nor a bank lawyer...
In my world a compromise equals to a lei and a lie equals to a disaster and a disaster equals to massive loss of life and/or property... coming from a long lineage of statesmen and leaders of both state and academia I am fully aware that someone needs to do the deception and somebody needs to adhere to dogma in order to have order in this world... heck think of the nightmarish world that everybody is super creative and we all invent new things and built taller towers everyday and once you learned the QWERTY layout keyboard on your computer we change it to a better one and once you get used to the new one it is changed again...
I hope I made my point you see we dont built pyramids so some stupid monarch who thinks he is god and wants to be assented to his house in the sky...no we just tell the power hungry megalomaniac yes your majesty it does whatever your delusional small brain wants it to do...
No my friends we the creative ones do it for the one thing your religions maintain the worst sin ...yes pride or shall I say ego and as Michael Douglas the Wall Street (movie) said "Greed is good" and the politicians say power is good just check out how many comities and subcommittees Joe Lieberman is on... we (the creative) say, ego is good or to be gentle we explain, pride in ones work is good that being said the only thing left from these ancient constructions like the Stonehenge is that builders pride and reasoning and unlike the western academias assertion they were not primitive by a long shot, on contrary they did what needed to be done in the most feasible way possible, and sometime one of them had a bright idea like say using animals to carry heavy objects instead of dragging it on the ground like total imbeciles and not recording it on a stone tablet just because all the historians and scientists who cant possibly tie their own shows concur..
To my point now, for us, the creative bunch in other to seek the truth we question any thing and all things and if we are found wrong before building say an airliner we thank our lucky stars and promote the person who found fault in our work cause we cant argue the great write brothers or any body from the past but the academia builds on the work of their predecessors regardless of logic as long as most of them are in agreement just like a democratic process, thats fine if you need to be fair to all and run a country but hardly is a tool for fact finding .
For me the purpose of the Stonehenge is pretty much elementary at this point and I am ready to work with others to move on to the next stage which can shed light on a lot of dilemmas today and might help us understand our currant environment ...but all of that is total rubbish if I need to fight every one of you every step of the way, you see I dont want to end up like Galileo fighting the establishment or end up Leonardo da Vinci who was reduced to drawing rich constipated house wives and had to die and stay dead for hundreds years till the first helicopter took to sky ,no my friends there are six billion of you and only one of me and trying to find a few amongst you to help me take this point of view farther so my friends I have no choice but to put youll through Gaus both camp its very similar to that of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island where I am the drill sergeant and as far as I am concerned ,yawl are bunch of mamas boys and girls, full of bad behaviors like believing in absolute crap and utter nonsense and declaring it as fact then look around to see if you have company in your cockamamie dogmatic belief then you move on to the next problem and when you encounter an unknown ,what do you do you look for so-called facts to fill in the gap since you are of the school that can never say I dont know but I will try to find out...you are lift whit no choice but to use one of these absolutely absurd accepted theories like the stupid ramp for the building of the Egyptian pyramids or the universal acceptance of people dragging crap on the ground and not using... a lot more to come
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Stonehenge/Waterhenge #3
I am a designer engineer inventor not a politician or a member of academia nor a bank lawyer...
In my world a compromise equals to a lei and a lie equals to a disaster and a disaster equals to massive loss of life and/or property... coming from a long lineage of statesmen and leaders of both state and academia I am fully aware that someone needs to do the deception and somebody needs to adhere to dogma in order to have order in this world... heck think of the nightmarish world that everybody is super creative and we all invent new things and built taller towers everyday and once you learned the QWERTY layout keyboard on your computer we change it to a better one and once you get used to the new one it is changed again...
I hope I made my point you see we dont built pyramids so some stupid monarch who thinks he is god and wants to be assented to his house in the sky...no we just tell the power hungry megalomaniac yes your majesty it does whatever your delusional small brain wants it to do...
No my friends we the creative ones do it for the one thing your religions maintain the worst sin ...yes pride or shall I say ego and as Michael Douglas the Wall Street (movie) said "Greed is good" and the politicians say power is good just check out how many comities and subcommittees Joe Lieberman is on... we (the creative) say, ego is good or to be gentle we explain, pride in ones work is good that being said the only thing left from these ancient constructions like the Stonehenge is that builders pride and reasoning and unlike the western academias assertion they were not primitive by a long shot, on contrary they did what needed to be done in the most feasible way possible, and sometime one of them had a bright idea like say using animals to carry heavy objects instead of dragging it on the ground like total imbeciles and not recording it on a stone tablet just because all the historians and scientists who cant possibly tie their own shows concur..
To my point now, for us, the creative bunch in other to seek the truth we question any thing and all things and if we are found wrong before building say an airliner we thank our lucky stars and promote the person who found fault in our work cause we cant argue the great write brothers or any body from the past but the academia builds on the work of their predecessors regardless of logic as long as most of them are in agreement just like a democratic process, thats fine if you need to be fair to all and run a country but hardly is a tool for fact finding .
For me the purpose of the Stonehenge is pretty much elementary at this point and I am ready to work with others to move on to the next stage which can shed light on a lot of dilemmas today and might help us understand our currant environment ...but all of that is total rubbish if I need to fight every one of you every step of the way, you see I dont want to end up like Galileo fighting the establishment or end up Leonardo da Vinci who was reduced to drawing rich constipated house wives and had to die and stay dead for hundreds years till the first helicopter took to sky ,no my friends there are six billion of you and only one of me and trying to find a few amongst you to help me take this point of view farther so my friends I have no choice but to put youll through Gaus both camp its very similar to that of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island where I am the drill sergeant and as far as I am concerned ,yawl are bunch of mamas boys and girls, full of bad behaviors like believing in absolute crap and utter nonsense and declaring it as fact then look around to see if you have company in your cockamamie dogmatic belief then you move on to the next problem and when you encounter an unknown ,what do you do you look for so-called facts to fill in the gap since you are of the school that can never say I dont know but I will try to find out...you are lift whit no choice but to use one of these absolutely absurd accepted theories like the stupid ramp for the building of the Egyptian pyramids or the universal acceptance of people dragging crap on the ground and not using... a lot more to come
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Montauk Monster, Raccoon...Not!

This is a red fox skull from Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History...Although the 1st premolar is missing on the right side but the left one is still intact, hence one can see its short distance from the lower canines which was the cause of much confusion amongst the proponents of raccoon-ness of Monty or the Montauk Monster verses what he really was a red fox...
Ain’t over yet more to come and please check my blog
This is a red fox skull from Smithsonian, although the 1st premolar is missing on the right side but the left one is still intact, hence one can see its short distance from the lower canines.... This was the cause of much confusion amongst the proponents of raccoon-ness of Monty or the Montauk Monster verses what he really was, a Red Fox...
Ain’t over yet more to come and please check my blog!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Montauk Monster Is a Red Fox not a Raccoon

These photos fox are illustrative of fox's finger like extremity s, which ..
I also included a picture of racco

The black & white illustrates